We specialize in EV Charger installations.
Consider EV Charger Installation in Lutherville, MD
You’ve reached the right page if you’re a home or business owner considering purchasing an electric vehicle (EV) or adding an EV charging station to your property. TriStar Electric employs master electricians specializing in EV charging installation in Lutherville, MD. Wherever your home or business is in Baltimore County, you can trust us to complete high-quality residential and commercial electrical services. Learn more about EV charger installation in Lutherville by calling (410) 799-5791
or (301) 384-8880. You can also receive a free estimate from us.
Why EV Charger Installation in Lutherville is Worth Considering
We could list 100 reasons why EV charger installation in Lutherville is worth it. However, we’ll name a few valuable advantages that get down to the heart of the matter.
A Cleaner, Greener Planet
More than ever, people are concerned about air quality and climate change. EVs offer a way to reduce carbon greenhouse emissions released into the air because they don’t have tailpipes. If you’re a homeowner, you can feel excellent about lowering your carbon footprint when you purchase an EV. From a business owner’s perspective, you have the same advantage. The only difference is that you’ll enhance your company’s image, brand, and reputation.
Savings Galore
Yes, it costs money to purchase an EV, an EV charger, and hire an electrical company to install a charger, charger station, and dedicated circuits. However, local and global governments understand how costly the upfront pricing of an EV or chargers and charging stations can be. Therefore, local and federal incentives and rebates can offset these costs.
Plus, you’ll save on fuel costs and maintenance in the long run. If you’re concerned about your electricity bills skyrocketing, rest assured that charging your EV overnight or during the weekends during off-peak hours helps you avoid spending an extra $100 a month to charge your EV.
Say goodbye to rushing before work or to the gas station after work. Since at-home charging exists, you have to plug your EV in, let it charge overnight, ride to work or the grocery store or see friends or family with a vehicle that can travel the distance.
More Profits
More gas stations exist than charging stations. With this being the case, EV drivers might not always be able to find an EV charging station immediately or as quickly as they would a gas station. While at-home charging exists, drivers take road trips or have days without driving their typical routes. Therefore, you can charge EV drivers money to power their vehicles and tap into a new demographic of potential customers that patronize your business.
EV Charger Installation in Lutherville Featuring Various EV Brands
Tesla, by far, is the most popular choice for EVs. TriStar Electric is a certified Tesla charger installer. However, we install other brands to ensure you have various options, including the following:
Thousands of articles exist if you’re unsure of which EV to choose. EVs come in a wide range of not only styles and brands but price ranges as well. We’re confident that you will find an option you love.