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Tips To Reduce Your Electrical Consumption This Summer 

tristar-electric-electric-consumptionAre you concerned about how much you spend on monthly electrical bills? This is a common cause of concern for numerous Maryland homeowners, especially in the summer. Fortunately, there are many steps you can take to help reduce your home’s electrical consumption. Keep reading to learn about various ways to reduce energy usage this summer.

Check The Energy Star Rating Of Your Appliances 

Before you purchase a specific appliance, take the time to look at its Energy Star rating. This is crucial for replacing power-hungry items like air conditioners or refrigerators. Generally, if you want to maximize your long-term savings, get an appliance with the best energy efficiency rating you can afford.

Install Dimmer Switches Around Your Home 

Homes with little access to natural light frequently rely on light bulbs. Your annual electric bill may increase by several hundred dollars due to this. To help address and solve this issue, the team at Tri Star Electric can install dimmer switches all over your residence. This enables you to regulate the amount of energy your light bulbs use and customize the light’s intensity to suit your specific requirements at any given time.

Utilize Timers 

A timer feature is included with a sizable number of air conditioners. Make use of this to your benefit. Set the timer to turn off your device around an hour before your alarm. Even with your AC unit off, your room should remain comfortably cool for several hours. Although one hour might seem like little initially, it builds up. Using such practices might decrease your electric costs by hundreds of dollars over time. 

Use Cold Water When Washing Clothes 

Washing machines utilize a lot of energy. If you frequently use your washing machine and need to run more than one full load, this could become an issue. Since you won’t be straining your system to use your water heater concurrently, washing your clothing in cold water can help you save a significant amount of money.

For ALL of Your Residential or Commercial Electrical Needs, Call TriStar Electric!

No matter the job, big or small, the professionals at TriStar Electric will be happy to discuss your project and answer any questions or concerns you may have. We offer free in-home consultations, plus an after-hours and emergency phone line for advice or service!

If you have any questions about our electrical repairs or upgrades, please contact TriStar Electric, Maryland’s’ premier residential and commercial electrician, by calling 410-799-5791 or 301-384-8880. Or, you can fill out the contact form on our website.

Are you looking for a quality electrician in Maryland, Washington DC, Southern Pennsylvania, or Northern Virginia? Take a look at TriStar Electric’s’ online reviews and ratings on Angie’s’ List, Yelp, Google, Facebook, Better Business Bureau of Greater Maryland,  and Better Business Bureau.


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