A back-up generator is there for when you need it most. When a nasty storm hits, and the power goes out, your generator is there to help keep you and your family safe and run the essentials in your home. So when you turn on the weather and see a bad storm coming your way, it might be time to do a little pre-storm generator check-up to make sure you will be ready.

TriStar Electric can install an automatic electrical backup system – also known as a backup generator – that keeps your house running, even when everyone else on your block is in the dark.
Proper maintenance is essential
Keeping your back-up generator properly maintained is essential if you want it to run without any problems when there is a power outage. A generator maintenance contract from TriStar Electric is a great idea. A professional technician from TriStar will come to your home twice yearly, and inspect your generator to make sure it is up to date. We will typically check for dead or declining batteries, change oil filters, spark plugs, and check the electrical systems.
What to check before the storm
The first thing to check is the status indicator light on your generator. This lets you know that everything is ready to run if you should need it. This should be done a day or two before the storm, so that if there is a problem, a technician will have enough time to come to your home and get your generator repaired before the storm hits. Also, make sure you have extra oil on hand for during the storm. Mobil 1 5W30 is best for this case.
Safety during the storm
It is important to keep an eye on your back-up generator during the storm. If there are high winds, the possibility for debris and tree limbs falling around your generator is high. Make sure to keep your generator clear of all possible obstructions, as these can obstruct airflow and create hazardous situations. More importantly, if you are in an area prone to flooding, make extra sure the water level stays below your generator. If the water level starts to rise, shut your generator off immediately. Failure to do so could create life threatening situations.
Call TriStar Electric for generator maintenance today!
No matter the job, big or small, the professionals at TriStar Electric will be happy to discuss your project and answer any questions or concerns you may have.
If you have any questions about our generator maintenance or pre-storm generator checkups, or if you have questions related to your generator, please contact TriStar Electric, Maryland’s premier residential and commercial technician, by calling 410-799-5791 or 301-384-8880. Or, you can fill out the contact form on our website.
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