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EV Wiring Circuits in Ellicott City

Tri Star Electric EV Wiring Circuits

Let Tri Star Electric take care of your EV wiring circuit needs.

EV Wiring Circuits in Ellicott City

Ellicott City, Maryland, has some solid attractions. It’s a historic town with plenty of shops, galleries, restaurants, and museums that can welcome you. Ellicott City also has pleasing nature scenes and unique events on Main Street. For example, in 2023, there will be a Paint & Shake event where you can show off your artistic skills while indulging in a delicious milkshake. What could make being a home or business owner in Ellicott City even better is saving money and the planet. How is this achievable? We encourage you to consider electric vehicle (EV) wiring circuits for your home or business. Here is what you should know about EV wiring circuits. 

The Difference Between Conventional Cars and Battery-Powered Cars

Conventional vehicles use an internal combustion engine powered by gasoline or diesel to power the wheels. Some parts of classic cars use electricity. However, this electricity doesn’t move the vehicle. On the other hand, a battery-powered car or EV does not have a gasoline or diesel engine. Instead, EVs have electric motors, power electronics, and a battery pack. You plug an EV into an electric outlet for it to refuel. 

Why does this matter? According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), car tailpipes emit greenhouse gases that can change Earth’s climate, raise sea levels, and harm human health, welfare, and ecosystems. The EPA also reported that conventional cars emit smog-forming emissions that pollute the air and make it harder to breathe over time. Since battery-powered vehicles don’t have tailpipes, driving EVs results in less pollution in the air. As a business or homeowner, you can promote a greener initiative with EV wiring circuits.

EV Wiring Circuits Result in Lower Energy Costs with Incentives

You must weigh the pros and cons when you purchase a new vehicle. Depending on the make, model, and brand, some EVs can be comparable or have higher upfront costs than conventional cars. However, you’ll save money throughout the lifetime of the vehicle. It costs less to charge a car than to take it to the gas station. In 2022, Consumers Energy reported that the average EV owner would spend 60% less to power a car, truck, vehicle, or SUV and half as much on repair and maintenance. Say goodbye to oil changes. 

Also, there are some incentives to offset this cost. For example, you can receive up to a $7,500 rebate under Internal Revenue Code Section 30D if you bought a new, qualified EV in 2022. Additionally, the Maryland Energy Administration (MEA) offers a rebate to individuals, businesses, and state or local government entities to acquire and install qualified EV charging stations. Residents can receive $700 per charging station, while commercial entities could receive up to $4,000 for each charging station. However, this incentive is on a first-come, first-served basis. Please review the Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) Rebate Program for detailed information. 

TriStar Electric Can Take Care of All Your Electrical Needs in Ellicott, City Maryland 

We’ve helped business owners and residents in Howard County utilize energy-efficient and money-saving electrical systems for nearly three decades. Reach us by dialing (410) 799-5791 or (301) 384-8880 if you want to learn more about the benefit of EV charging stations.